Aluminium Windows & Doors

Aluminium Windows & Doors

When considering replacing your old worn out windows and doors, think aluminium. Time was when aluminium windows and doors only came in that sort of anodised look that rates zero on the curb appeal scale.

But, today’s aluminium (especially the Smart System manufactured by Aluminium Windows Ltd in Southampton) is light years away from that.

Modern aluminium products can be made in a far wider range of colours that their plastic counterparts and a baked powder coating is far more weather resistant and long lasting.

First Choice For Architects

Aluminium is also the first choice of architects and designers due to its great strength. That inherent strength allows the framework to be thinner, giving a more elegant appearance.

Thinner framework also allows more light into the room and affords greater views from the inside.

One of the most important considerations is the actual manufacturing system that is used. Aluminium Windows Ltd use the Smart Structural Aluminium System because it is the most innovative in the market today.

Energy Efficient

And everyone is aware of the relentless rise in heating bills. That’s where aluminium comes into its own. Aluminium windows and doors from Aluminium Windows Ltd of Southampton will easily pass and exceed the most recent requirements in energy ratings (insulation standards).

This outstanding thermal efficiency will keep you and your family warm what ever weather the winter throws at us.

Aluminium windows and doors are also renowned for security. Although light in weight, aluminium is strong and stands against forced entry where other products fail.

Aluminium Windows & Doors Designs

Then there is the great range to choose from. You may want to update your home by changing the style and colour of your windows. This can really make a statement. And just think of what you can do with new doors.

Yes, the standard single leaf back door is a good choice, but with a minimum of building work (and usually no planning permission required) you could widen the doorway and install French doors.

There’s also sliding patio doors to think about. But, if you really want to go the extra mile, have a look at bi-fold doors. This is the fastest growing product in the double glazing industry and its easy to see the reason why. There is no better way to open your home to the garden.

Whatever you decide, make your first stop Aluminium Windows Ltd. They are happy to provide you with all the help you need over the phone.


Areas We Cover


Poole, Ferndown, Bournemouth, Christchurch, Sandbanks, Westbourne, Branksome, Broadstone, Parkstone, Corfe Mullen, Wimborne, West Moors, Verwood, Penn Hill and throughout Dorset.


Southampton, Winchester, Eastleigh, Totton, Hedge End, Romsey, Portsmouth, Chandlers Ford, Fareham, Lymington, Lyndhurst, New Forest, Basingstoke, Fleet and throughout Hampshire.

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Aluminium Bi-Folding Doors Aluminium Bi-Folds
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