Aluminium Window Systems

Aluminium Window Systems

There are several aluminium systems (profile or framework) available to manufacturers of aluminium windows and doors.

It would take far more space than this blog allows to discuss all of them or even to discuss the top contenders.

So, best to focus on the most popular system and the one used our company, Aluminium Windows Ltd of Southampton.

Smart Architectural Aluminium

Smarts have supplied the aluminium manufacturing industry with high quality extrusions for over thirty years. During that time they have earned the enviable reputation of being the most modern, efficient and innovative manufacturer of aluminium profiles in Britain.

Their products can be found across a wide range of applications from major industrial/commercial sites to domestic houses.

They are part of the global Corialis Group and are renowned for their outstanding research and development capabilities and for their state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities

Fabricators choose the Smart System for many reasons, among them the extensive product range.

Smart profiles can be supplied in a large number of standard colours, but customers can order their windows and doors in any colour they care to name.

High Security

Then there’s security. The strength of metal is your insurance that your windows and doors will stand firm against forced entry. And the Smart System has been designed to accommodate the latest in high tech locking mechanisms and shoot bolts.

Environmentally Friendly

Most of the aluminium that has been produced is still in use, largely because it has been recycled. When the Wembley Stadium was demolished 96% of the aluminium was reclaimed and recycled.

This means that fabricators treat the waste they produce in the form of off cuts with respect. It is high value waste and goes for recycling.

Another reason to insist on the Smart System is the assurance of warmth and comfort. Smarts were one of the first profile manufacturers in the UK to pioneer the polyamide thermal break in windows and doors.

This barrier keeps the cold out and the warmth in. Then we come to Green credentials. Aluminium is the most sustainable building material in the world.

Contact Us

Smarts lead the market in product development and fabricator support. So, being a part of the Smarts family gives fabricators / manufacturers such as our company, Aluminium Windows Ltd of Southampton, a strong advantage in the market place.

AWL knows that it can rely on Smarts for quality, for on-time delivery and for technical support. Contact us today for more information regarding our superior aluminium window systems.

Areas We Cover


Poole, Ferndown, Bournemouth, Christchurch, Sandbanks, Westbourne, Branksome, Broadstone, Parkstone, Corfe Mullen, Wimborne, West Moors, Verwood, Penn Hill and throughout Dorset.


Southampton, Winchester, Eastleigh, Totton, Hedge End, Romsey, Portsmouth, Chandlers Ford, Fareham, Lymington, Lyndhurst, New Forest, Basingstoke, Fleet and throughout Hampshire.

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